ogmini - Exploration of DFIR

Having fun while learning about and pivoting into the world of DFIR.

15 February 2025

Investigating Visual Studio Code

by ogmini

I’ve begun to look at Visual Studio Code in my quest to document useful digital artifacts in various text editors. In a similar fashion to Windows Notepad and Notepad++, Visual Studio Code will keep unsaved content between sessions. After documenting what I can find I will use that knowledge to see how one might attack Visual Studio Code. Another project is slowly building in my head to write a unified application to attack text editors and their data.

What I’ve found so far is that Visual Studio Code stores the unsaved content in %appdata%\Code\Backups\. There is a folder named with a Unix Filetime that contains folders which contains files that hold information about tabs with unsaved content. These files are straight text with the first line containing a file location and a JSON object. Later lines contain the text from the tab. If a tab isn’t saved, the first line isn’t present.

More research to come! I’ve been really sucked into the Magnet CTF and trying to complete more of the challenges.

tags: DFIR