ogmini - Exploration of DFIR

Having fun while learning about and pivoting into the world of DFIR.

24 February 2025

Magnet Virtual Summit 2025 CTF - AAR "A Shadow of the Real Thing"

by ogmini

Continuing with my writeups on my “fails” or the ones I just couldn’t figure out in the timeframe alloted. I want to talk about how I went about trying to solve the challenge and where I went wrong. This should help me in the future by highlighting weaknesses and areas for improvement. Each post will focus on just one “fail” challenge.

A Shadow of the Real Thing

Title: A Shadow of the Real Thing
Description: What is the hashed password for the user “chick”?

This challenge was under the Windows 11 section and worth 25 points making it around a medium difficulty.

My Process

Actual Solution

The Kali Linux WSL and vhdx file! This one really stung as I had specifically noticed and called out the existence of this in my pre-analysis and hadn’t yet used that knowledge in solving any of the challenges. This will actually be a recurring theme for later “fails” and AARs. Noticing and making note of “interesting” artifacts but not actually connecting the dots or using them.

Linux often utilizes a shadow file for authentication. This file contains usernames, an encrypted/hashed password among other pieces of information. It was as simple as grabbing the shadow file and opening it up as they only asked for the hash.


Lessons Learned

  1. Look at your pre-analysis notes and make note of what you haven’t used. Remember the Duck Test.
  2. Don’t get fixated! Again, I got fixated on “Shadow” meaning Volume Shadow Copy. I didn’t even check if the user had changed their password.
  3. Have a healthy trust of my knowledge/skills. I didn’t trust that I was using the tools right and must be pulling the wrong NTLM hash even after using multiple tools that agreed with each other.
tags: CTF - Challenges - Writeups